Friday, May 6, 2011

Sea Me!

Ahh it feels so nice to be waking up in a bed with the view of the beautiful Mediterranean sea...compared to the prior night of sleeping in the Milan airport on the cold, nasty...let me rephrase that...disgusting floor. We slept in until about 10. We were still on cloud nine and feeling so lucky to have the two Harry's being so hospitable to us. After just one day of talking with Harry we felt like we'd known him forever. He is such a hard worker, appreciative of everything he has and willing to make us feel welcomed, just like home! We head for the train and take it into the city of Athens! We actually had no problems finding anything! Props to our inner compass! We visit the Parthenon of Acropolis and it was HUGE! And of course so much construction. We met a lot of Americans here. We then window shopped a bit, had some greek yogurt topped with all sorts of yummies. We then planned on going to see the Olympic stadium..took one look at each other and decided to save it for the next day. The sunsets and skies are so gorgeous here we hopped off the bus at a random beach stop and walked up and down the entire pier where there were rows and rows of yachts and beach bars. We walked up and down in amazement, getting goosebumps of how unreal this is! Our little bodies were pooped! We got home, had a glass of wine on the balcony, listened to the beautiful sea, watched a few episodes of Audrina, polished off our cookies, ice cream and chips and passed out! It was a short day but a well needed one.
"Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles He performs for people!" Psalm 66:5

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